Monthly Archives: December 2017

Sexual Assault is a Crime

Sexual Assault is a crime.

It is more than a topic of the day, a discussion about misconduct, a misunderstanding about unwanted advances.  It is not a confusion about excess flirtation or an exercise in not modernizing one’s knowledge of what is acceptable.

Sexual Assault is a crime.

It is an attack on a person’s humanity, an attempt to chip away at another’s autonomy, a violation of their being.

Sexual Assault is a crime.

Had Trump, on that infamous Access Hollywood tape, bragged about a different crime, would the public have been so dismissive?  Imagine: “That’s where I paid to bury the body, and when you’re a star you can do anything.” Or: “That’s where I stole the money, I moved in on that vault like a bitch.”

Sexual Assault is a crime.

Perhaps calling it “sexual” is problematic.  After all, “sexual” is normal, an expression of desire, love, and often times lust, part and parcel of the human condition.  It is expressed in a culture of hook-up, 50 Shades of Grey, and Tinder scrolling.  What if we focus on the assault matter?  The part where one person disrupts another in a physical manner causing harm.  What if we discussed it in the same vein as a punch? 

Sexual Assault is a crime.