Monthly Archives: July 2020

Challenge Accepted

In my Instagram DM I received an invitation to post a Black and White photo with the caption “Challenge Accepted.”  The point of the invitation was for women to reach out to other women as a way of saying “I respect you.  I see you.”  In addition to posting the photo one is then to pass this on to other women.

So, yes, I was delighted and flattered to have received the message.  And then I read a NY Times article that rained on my delighted parade by calling the challenge vague and not really with purpose.  It was a mindless means for women to post their most flattering selfie, the article claimed.  Hmmm….

I think that’s a rush to judgement.  We are often so busy and in the throes of our life that to take a moment to acknowledge someone else, their work, positive impact on community, their presence, or valuable friendship seems like something worth pausing for and passing on.  I was genuinely happy to extend the invitation I had received to other women I know, some of whom I have admired but haven’t necessarily said as much during conversation.

Is it really so vague to DM a person and let them know you appreciate them?  Is it wrong to respond by posting a photo?  Are we so tied to sexist ideas about women that it’s automatically met with suspicion for them to highlight a nice photo of themselves?  Or, that to say it’s about women supporting women is somehow unclear?  Support comes in many forms.  It can be a hug, financial, a referral, a podcast review (wink wink nudge)…

or a message to participate in “Challenge Accepted.”


What We Can Learn From Batman

I’ve often invited students in my Philosophy classes to use our course material to analyze something from film and/or pop culture.  This has yielded thoughtful term papers and course discussions.

It was a delight to have Professor Mark D. White on the podcast to talk about his book The Ethics of Batman.  In his work he explores the moral dilemmas Batman faces such as, can Batman be happy?, should he kill the Joker?, and does his extraordinary wealth hinder his moral position?

This episode was a lot of fun and brought about a nice intellectual inquiry into the complications of this superhero.  Feel free to leave feedback here or get in touch