Monthly Archives: September 2018

Kavanaugh Testimony

  • The way in which the senate decides to proceed will speak volumes about the way in which sexual assault is viewed.  Rushing through the process will leave a mark, an echo, a haunting message that sexual assault is nothing to hold up a supreme court justice nomination.  What would?  A “real crime”?
  • Kavanaugh’s dismissive attitude regarding an investigation is problematic.  (He argues he’s already been through several over his career; yet, as a justice knows that new information does mean new investigations are in order). A one week investigation is hardly a lot to consider when the appointment in question is for a lifetime position.
  • Of course the FBI does not provide conclusions.  This is why it is not called the Federal Bureau of Conclusions.  It provides evidence, an investigation, so that conclusions may be drawn.
  • The Dems may have made a political play by waiting to reveal the allegation.  (Note I write may have.)  If that is the case then it is a matter of politics and politics only.  It in no way means the allegations are false (nor does it mean they are true).  Thus the reference to the timing of bringing forth these allegations is for the senators to bicker about over their next golf game and not for discerning the veracity of the claim(s).
  • The yearbook is relevant considering the context.  No, not everyone up for an important political/judicial position needs their yearbook discussed.  But, in this case, the yearbook yields character information in the timeframe of the allegations.
  • The timing in which a person makes a claim about an event or crime in no way means said event or crime did not take place.  It is irrelevant.  Moreover, with the case of sexual assault it is quite common for reporting to take place at a later date.  This was accepted with the case of victims in the Catholic Church.  Why is it less understood for young women?
  • The heavy drinking by Kavanaugh might point to an inebriated state in which he committed these acts, does not recall, and therefore does not feel responsible (or has no memory at all).  He denies this as a possibility.
  • The fact that Kavanaugh studied hard in high school and college does not mean sexual assault did not occur.  The fact that he has women friends also does not mean that sexual assault did not occur.
  • Kavanaugh may be innocent of these allegations.  If that is the case then he (and all of us) have every right to be infuriated by the injustice.
  • If Kavanaugh did commit sexual assault then the fact that he was young is irrelevant.  (Swap out sexual assault for another crime here or imagine he was not white.  Does changing those variables change the weight of responsibility?)
  • If Kavanaugh did these crimes and it is rationalized that boys will be boys or in any fashion normal then that is disgusting, terrifying for women, and an insult to men.
  • Rumors or unsubstantiated claims are absolutely problematic.  No one deserves to be on the receiving end of that.  This is why a break to investigate seems to be a logical move.  The only potential harm is waiting one week later to vote on his confirmation.
  • Kavanaugh’s family has been threatened and abused.  This is wrong.
  • Dr. Ford has been threatened and abused.  This is also wrong.
  • We are left in a quagmire.  It is in no one’s interest to ignore caution here.  I do know this: to rush this confirmation will mean the senate has failed to seriously address these allegations (thereby suggesting such allegations are of little to no worth) and that will shadow every person who should be heard in the case of assault and it will linger over every decision Kavanaugh makes as a justice (especially in any cases regarding the rights of women).
  • Feel free to leave your thoughts in the comment section.